Tuesday, 13 April 2021

magicc number


Task Description: you need the sramts to do this ok everyone and i love doing this because it is fun for me.

anzac day

 Task Description

i wiss i was in the war two.

Monday, 12 April 2021


Task Description: I like this book because the little grill takes her great gran dads buttons and put it on a red ribbon and she makes it in to a necklese and wered it to the place were soldier's died to remember them when they all had war but some times people need to die.But some of the slodier's were still alive and Ella loved her great gran dad and her mum.


Task Description: today we are learning about anzacday and we were all loved it took forevey.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Sleeping beauty

Task Description: I like this book because it has a princess and  a prince. And i liked it when the ice cream comes two.